Program Director: Teresa McGee, email: tmcgee <at>
Assistant Directors: Austin Daigle, email : adaigle <at> ; Madeline Gillman, email : mgillman <at >
Assistant Director of Marketing/Recruitment : Sam Ardery, email sardery <at>
Past Director: Kat Furtado Selna, email: kfurtado at
Past Assistant Directors: Logan Whitehouse, email: lswhiteh at; Jolene Ranek, email: ranekj at
Sponsored by UNC TIBBS:
2024 Teachers:
- Micah Hysong
- Jonathan Rosen
- Matthew Sutcliffe
- Justin Landis
- Rachelle Ambroise
- lorrie he
- Emma Klein
- JP Flores
- Marielle Bond
- Tooba Rashid
- Madeline Gillman
- Sara Peterson
- Katelyn McInerney
- Jess Byun
- Sarah Parker
- Grace Kenney
- Kriti Shukla
- Matt Niederhuber
- Val Gartner
- Omar El Merhebi
- Alec Plotkin
- Quinn Eberhard
- Grace Kenney
- Ryan Videgar-Laird
- Archishma Kavalipati
- Nate Smyers
- Enes Kelestemur
- Alec Lobanov
- Gabriela Almeida
2023 Teachers:
- Jess byun
- Madeline Gillman
- Austin Daigle
- Brian Gural
- Rachel Sharp
- JP Flores
- Marielle Bond
- Micah Hyson
- Brooke Felsheim
- Sam Ardery
- Sarah Parker
- Lorrie He
- Isabela Gerdes Gyuricza
- Nyssa Tucker
- Alice Woolard
- Matthew Sutcliffe
- John Lin
- Mikayla Feldbauer
- Alec Lobanov
- Kriti Shukla
- Nathan Smyers
- Nick Randolph
2022 Teachers:
- Brooke Felsheim
- Elena Kharitonova
- Ellen Risemberg
- Alice Woolard
- JP Flores
- Rachel Sharp (TA)
- Matthew Berginski
- Amjad Dabi
- Teresa McGee
- Nicole Kramer
- Nyssa Tucker
- Sarah Parker
- Jamshaid Shahir
- Alex Crocker
- Alec Plotkin
- Pradham Tanikella
- Meaghan Kennedy Ng
- Mikayla Feldbauer
- Hannah Hwangbo
- Logan Whitehouse
- Marshall Davey
- Jolene Ranek
- Nick Randolph
2019 Teachers
- Amy Allen (PREP Scholars)
- Nil Aygum
- Matt Berginski
- Sarah Brotman
- Eric Davis
- Dayne Filer
- Andrew Hinton
- Joelen Ranek (PREP Scholars)
- Jamshaid Shahir
- Spencer Nystrom
- Tim Daugird
- Cody Herron
- Josh Hochuli
- Sally Kim
- Brae Peterson
- Brandon Price
- Alison Schaefer (Intermediate course)
- Kimiko Suzuki (Intermediate course)
- Ivan Jimenez
- Mi Zhou
Hi, I was wondering what potential times these classes meet? I work during the day and have a day off every week but it is not consistent (ie I could be off on Tuesday one week then Thursday the next). I didn’t know if the classs could fluctuate and/or if you have any evening classes as that would be easier for me to attend. Thanks!
Hi Grace, Thank you for your comment! Class postings have now been released and registration is open. Class timing/availability is dependent on teacher availability, which is how the times are chosen!