How to learn to code is a volunteer based summer course offered during June 2024 and July 2024. We aim to teach new programmers at UNC the basics of coding so that they can continue to apply R or Python coding in their future work!

For 4 weeks during the summer at UNC, instructors will meet twice a week, to guide small groups of students through the fundamentals of coding. These classes are very interactive and are structured to provide new programmers a community for help and inspiration. For additional resources for advanced classes,  please see our Resources page.

Registration for all of our classes fills quickly. We will open priority registration early, on April 29th. Get access by joining our waitlist here and get priority class placement by attending an informational. 

We have updated and improved our R class to be focused more on data science and analysis, we have also expanded the number of classes being offered in both R and Python. Come join us this summer, we are so excited to have you!

For questions about student registration, contact Sam Ardery : sardery <at>

Join the Student Registration Waitlist

HLC Informationals:

In Person: April 30th, in Mary Ellen Jones 3116 @ 2:30 pm.

Zoom: May 1st @ 10:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 2858 7892›

Zoom: May 3rd @ 12:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 949 2140 2734


Teacher recruitment is open! Registration closes April 5th.

Register to teach HLC here

HLC is currently recruiting volunteer teachers to help with our Summer 2024 classes. Teachers will provide guidance to the HLC students in groups of 3-4, and each group will have at least one person with experience teaching coding classes. Classes will meet twice a week, for 1.5hours, over a 4 week span during the summer. HLC will provide the curriculum and resources you need to aid the students in their learning. Time commitment outside of classes is low!!

New teachers will be paired with experienced teachers and will be given training with our newly updated curriculum. Exact dates and times of the classes are set based on teacher availability. 

Individuals interested in teaching should be comfortable with R or Python. Teachers will be able use existing materials from past teachers for small group lessons and have the opportunity to gain skills in lesson planning. 

Over the past several years, How to Learn to Code has reached hundreds of participants including grad students, postdocs, faculty, and staff. Registration and waitlists have filled in a matter of hours. Please help us serve this interest and make UNC an amazing place (to learn) to code!