UNC ITS Research Computing Group: http://its.unc.edu/research-computing/
UNC’s on-campus resource for research computing. Enroll in mini-courses, meet with advisors, sign up for free cluster space.
UNIX/Linux Tutorial: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/
Step-by-step introduction to using UNIX/Linux commands. Especially useful for naviagting the UNC computer clusters.
vi in 10 minutes: http://www.unix-manuals.com/tutorials/vi/vi-in-10-1.html
Mini tutorial to using basic commands in vi for making files in UNIX/Linux. Links to further tutorials on file systems.
perl tutorial: http://learn-perl.org/en/Welcome
Extended, hands-on tutorial for using perl. Real-time script runner only works in certain browsers and may require turning off ad-blockers.
What is Code?: http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-paul-ford-what-is-code/
Interesting (if long) article about what exactly is code. Some good visuals about how computers work.
Software Carpentry Workshops. http://software-carpentry.org/lessons/
USeful, self-led tutorials on all things coding. As partially presented during 2016 UNC workshop
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